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120nm3/h medical oxygen generator equipment debuts at the peak of snow!

ZOY  oxygen supply project was successfully completed in Sichuan-Tibet, and 120nm3/h medical oxygen generator equipment debuted at the peak of the snowy area for the first time!

The project is located in the Ya'an to Linzhi section of Sichuan-Tibet with the most complicated geological and climatic conditions. It is more than 3,600 meters above sea level and has extremely low oxygen content.In the overall oxygen supply project, zoy installed 120nm3/h; 90nm3/h and 45nm3/h O2 generation system. Total diffuse O2 supply space over than 20000m3 and 3sets mobile oxygen bar.

It is worth mentioning that ZOY 120nm3/h medical oxygen generator equipment is the largest oxygen production unit in the entire Sichuan-Tibet project. The single oxygen dispersion space is about 10,000m3, and the equipment noise is less than 50dB. It can be operated continuously for 24 hours a day. The performance remains stable, which is one of the biggest highlights of the entire project.

The actual flow rate of 120nm3/h reached 136nm3/h, Oxygen oulet pressure is 1.9bar, oxygen purity reach 94% also.The oxygen content increase index is determined to be 15.67%, which is equivalent to lowering the altitude by 1000 meters.

In the entire oxygen supply project, zoy service engineers fully carried forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties,and their professionalism was unanimously recognized by the leaders of China Construction.


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